Sitecore SolR

How to install SolR 8.4.0 for Sitecore 10

Since Sitecore 10 was released, you need a new version of SolR on your working system. Right now Sitecore 10 needs SolR 8.4.0

There are couple of ways to have SolR 8.4.0 on your working system.

#1 The Solr-Singledeveloper.json deployment configuration file installs and configures Solr with SSL. You can do this from any of the packages available from Sitecore. Here is an example of how can this be used:

# The Prefix that will be used on SOLR, Website and Database instances.
$Prefix = "Demo"
# The root folder with the license file and WDP files.
$SCInstallRoot = "C:\ResourceFiles"
# Install Solr Single Developer
$SolrSingleDeveloperParams = @{
Path = "$SCInstallRoot\Solr-SingleDeveloper.json"
SolrInstallRoot = "c:\Solution\SolR840\SolR840-$Prefix"
SolrServicePrefix = $Prefix
SolrPort = "9999"
SolrDomain = "localhost"
Push-Location $SCInstallRoot
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @SolrSingleDeveloperParams *>&1 | Tee-Object Solr-SingleDeveloper.log
# Uncomment the below line and comment out the above if you want to remove the XP0 SingleDeveloper Config
#Uninstall-SitecoreConfiguration @SolrSingleDeveloperParams *>&1 | Tee-Object Solr-SingleDeveloper.log-Uninstall.log

Also, Jeremy Davis has a blog post where he explains what is happening behind the scenes when you install Solr with this option.

#2 In Sitecore Install Assistant for Sitecore 10 XP Single or XM Scaled, the graphical setup package, one of the steps is to install SolR 8.4.0

Install SolR 8.4.0 from SIAAfter you start the Sitecore Install Assistant for Sitecore 10, and you go over the prerequisites step you have the possibility to install a new instance of SolR 8.4.0, and you have available all the options needed. In the instance you installed will be installed the proper version of Open JDK.

Note: this step, is in fact, is using Solr-Singledeveloper.json that I’ve already mentioned in the previous step.

#3 Powershell Script is a good option, and for this the credit to goes to Jeremy Davis and Robbert Hock. This is the base blog post for this script.

Make sure that the latest version of the OpenJDK gets installed, and with that in place, you can install Solr 8.4.0. Go to Github and clone my sitecore-10-scripts repository (adaptation from Robbert Hock) and just run .\install-solr.ps1

#4 And for last I left Docker Image for Linux.

This is my preferred way to SolR as is faster to setup, you can have a separate instance for each project you have.

I have forked Anders Laub repository docker solr ssl and made necessary adjustments in order to support SolR 8.4.0. Just to to Github and clone my docker-solr-ssl repository, move to branch version/8.4.0 and simply execute Start-Solr.cmd as Administrator

Final note. If you install Sitecore 10 using the official Container Deployment Package, the install comes with a Docker Image for Windows that is already setup and ready to use.

What is your preferred way to install SolR? Do you use a different way to install SolR? Please do let me know in the comments.

By Sebastian Tecsi

Sitecore MVP 2018-2021
Sitecore Architect

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